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A Valentines Mad-Lib

So here it is. All of those things you've been writing down will now hopefully make you chuckle AND win you a $50 gift card in time for the big day! After you read the mad lib using the items you've recorded, just leave a comment with each of the words. Good luck and thank you for playing with us! Dear Diary, Last week my honey told me we were going to be doing something out of the ordinary. Wow, I had no idea for the day that was in store for me. The whole day was a dream come true. I knew we were going someplace special, but imagine my surprise when I found out we'd be taking a (method of travel) to get there. We didn't just go across town though, we actually went to (city). I have always dreamed of traveling there! When we arrived, I was blindfolded and imagine my surprise when I found out our meal was being prepared by (restaurant/chef). The dinner was fantastic, but was made even better when the dessert arrived on a silver platter. They lifted the lid to reveal (dessert). My absolute favorite dessert! Next door to the restaurant was a theatre, we walked in to find that the entire theatre had been rented so that we could view (movie). Can you believe it? As the movie ended my sweetie walked on stage and recited a poem by (poet) to me and gave me my very own (gift). Well, we've made it back home now. And I'm here in bed cuddling with my new pet (animal). This has been, far and away, the best date ever! If only every day could be this wonderful....

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