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Using Professional Printing to Boost Your Real Estate Campaign

Summer is the prime season for real-estate. People looking to upgrade their living space are touring houses for sale and when they find that ideal upgrade, they’re putting their own homes up for sale. Listings are plentiful and the market is as hot as those summertime temps!

Professional Printing for Real Estate Agents

The problem with this prolific real estate season is that with so many homes flooding the market and so many buyers and sellers looking to stand out, it can be hard for realtors to help their clients get the best value. For realtors representing sellers, it’s all about keeping that asking price high and illustrating the value of a home; for realtors helping buyers, it’s about finding the perfect home at the right price. If you’re a realtor—no matter what side of the real estate transaction you’re representing—it’s important to think about the best way to provide your clients with value. Often, the best way to do this is by making an upfront investment in professionally printed materials.

Bolstering Your Buyer’s Confidence

As a realtor, your reputation and presentation are going to be your keys to success when it comes to working with clients. Often, this directly correlates with having professionally printed materials and a strong ability to market yourself. To that end, it’s important to think about the essentials when it comes to printed offerings:
  • Business cards with a professional appeal to them and all of your vital contact information are going to be of major importance.
  • Having data sheets or sales materials regarding your specific territories will be helpful in showing potential clients that you have in-depth knowledge of housing trends in the areas you represent.
  • Having quick FAQ sheets to answer new buyer questions will help boost confidence and quell fears, all the while building your rapport with clients.
And these are just the essentials! In heated markets where competition for clients is strong, many realtors will go above and beyond in creating marketing materials that are truly encompassing to home buyers, such as branded folders that contain realtor information, which can be stuffed with FAQ sheets or specific housing information for desired listings. The end goal is to ensure you’re attracting clients by answering their questions, instilling them with confidence and marketing your skills and expertise in a way that benefits them. Printed materials can be an answer to all of these objectives.

Exceeding Your Seller’s Expectations

When you’re representing a seller, it’s your duty as a realtor to help them sell their house for the highest possible price, with as few bumps as possible along the way. Often, this is easier said than done! But, with some quality marketing upfront, you can help your seller’s home stand out from the crowd in a way that ensures it fetches the best possible value on the open market:
  • Having data sheets for the home readily available at every open house, homebuyer’s seminar or other sales opportunity will give prospective buyers a glimpse into the home that will make them look twice.
  • Creating yard signs and markers that draw attention to a home beyond the “for sale” sign. These attention-grabbers can also be placed in high traffic areas away from the home, to drive prospective buyers to the listing.
  • Flyers and mailers can give potential buyers a quick synopsis of a home and its appeal, as well as some fast facts to push a sale.
Again, there’s always more you could be doing, but starting with some quality printed materials can go a long way towards creating opportunities for your seller.

Going Beyond Print

Marketing goes beyond print as well. It’s important to consider the many digital avenues that can supplement your marketing and how you can leverage these things to ensure you’re giving buyers and sellers the best possible advantage in the real estate market. Personal websites, housing descriptions on listing websites, email newsletters and more are all great ways to supplement your print marketing efforts for maximum effectiveness. For all of these materials and strategy planning from talented marketing professionals, visit AlphaGraphics Middleton today. We’ll help you become the foremost realtor in your area by supporting your marketing efforts on both sides of the industry.

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