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6 Benefits of Brand Revitalization

At some point in the life of your brand, you’ll need to refresh and revitalize it.

This is most often due to a changing marketing environment, different customer preferences, or increased competition. To stay relevant, a brand needs to adapt to their new environment and marketing challenges. No matter how big your brand is, it will need to undergo a change to remain fresh in the eyes of your customers. Brand revitalization isn’t just for market share losses or dips in sales—all businesses should reexamine the direction of their brand to stay relevant and grow with their consumers. Here are six reasons why you should consider a brand refresh in 2020:

Refocus on Your Business

Over time, your business has likely grown and innovated since your brand was first established. You might have shifted focus to a new market, added new products or services, or changed your marketing strategy entirely. Whenever a business undergoes such a shift, there’s a good chance that the branding no longer reflects what currently is—only what once was. By refreshing your branding, you’ll be better able to more accurately represent your brand as it is in the here and now, and this can help you better achieve your business and marketing goals. Your internal team will also benefit from the refocus and lens shift. This will allow the entire organization to work in tandem as they share the new message of your brand. 

Stay and Keep Relevant

A brand refresh is critical to staying relevant in the eyes of your target demographic as well as competing in a fast-changing marketing environment. It’s very easy to notice an outdated brand—and it usually doesn’t make a good first impression. By improving the relevancy of your branding efforts, you’ll help improve the overall health of your brand. People nowadays prefer to do business with companies that they trust. A brand must show their potential customers that they want to connect with them above and beyond a sale or cash register transaction. When a customer starts to perceive that their favorite brand is no longer relevant, they tend to look—and shop—elsewhere.

Connect with Your Customers

As the years go by, a disconnect can happen between what you want your brand to stand for and what actually stands in the minds of your clients or customers. If they can’t make the connection with your brand that you want them to make, they will most likely wind up shopping with your competitors. By getting your brand refreshed, it will help with trust and customer loyalty.

Set Your Business Apart from the Competition

Even the biggest, most established brands go through a brand refresh every few years. Consumer tastes change, and new competitors appear on the horizon. For example, you might have been the only contractor in your geographical area, but over time you might have gained a lot of competition. A brand refresh can help you stand out in a saturated market. You can do so by looking at exactly what makes your brand special and unique, and then use that positioning to help you stand out from the rest of the pack and maintain market dominance.

Generate Buzz and Excitement

A brand refresh is like a rebirth. It can help create a renewed passion for your business, both internally and externally. Long-time customers will get excited as they expect new and great things from your company. Your internal team will also benefit for much of the same reasons. When relaunched, your new brand will most likely drive new customers as well, as they become aware of your services and offerings.

Increase Your Sales

alphagraphics direct mailIn addition to refocusing an outdated marketing message and generating brand loyalty, a brand refresh can help lead to an increase in sales. With your new brand in proverbial hand, you can now ask for a premium price or rate because potential customers will perceive it as one that offers more value than the rest of the competition. Launching a rebrand can also help bring in new customers that your old brand wasn’t able to attract. Furthermore, you’ll be able to entice high-value employees, and that will create an overall sense of cohesiveness throughout your company. Company morale will go up, and that can have a dramatic effect on your sales.

Rebranding Help in Raleigh

How long has it been since you examined and refreshed your brand? As the new year approaches, there’s no better time than now to update your brand and reap the benefits that it offers.  At AlphaGraphics of Downtown Raleigh, we’re much more than a print shop. We’re also marketing experts who you can count on to help you when it comes time to market your business. To learn more about how AlphaGraphics of Downtown Raleigh can help with your content marketing needs, you may email us, request a quote or call us at (919) 832-2828.

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