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Creating the Perfect Sign for Your Business

Creating the Perfect Sign for Your Business

This is an image that says Signage has been a staple in the world of commerce since the concept of brick and mortar shops themselves first came about. How else are people supposed to know what your business is all about if there’s no sign to give them an idea? And while brick and mortar businesses have come a long way over the years, so has the signage that’s come to designate them—so much so in fact that it’s hard to go one day without reading a sign! The problem with this, however, is that in today’s modern world unless your sign stands out from the clutter, it’s likely to get passed over by any random passersby. How do you beat out the “eye clutter” for a few seconds of face time with a potential customer? It’s not easy, but it’s also not impossible—especially if you take into consideration some of the key variables that can truly exemplify your signage. Placement As much as the context of your sign is important, so is the placement of that message. A fantastic amount of research has gone into determining where signage is most effective when viewed from a passing vehicle (as most outdoor signage is) and the results might surprise you. According to the International Sign Association: If the sign is mounted on the front of the building, parallel to the roadway, research shows it needs to be at least 70% larger than the sign mounted perpendicular to the roadway, or it cannot be read in time. That’s right: you’re going to have to place your sign at an angle that can be read by oncoming traffic from a good distance—if you don’t, plan on making it larger, clearer and simple so that people can glimpse it as they race by. The same study from above also took into account the rate of movement and distance from the sign to determine readability. At 25-30mph, your sign should be clearly visible from up to 410ft away, however if that same vehicle is going 65mph or more, visibility of at least 720 feet is necessary or your message is surely lost to passersby! Lettering size Size isn’t everything, right? Well, in the world of outdoor signage, it might not be everything, but it’s a pretty big necessity if you want your message to be seen! But, not just the sign itself has to be big—the message it contains also needs to be big, whether it’s a simple business name or an entire slogan scrawled across your shop. The golden rule is that for every 25ft of distance between a motorist and your sign, your lettering should reflect one inch: so if your sign is located 100ft from the road, for example, it would require lettering that is 4in high, at a minimum. But, that’s not all: if your signage features a stylish font that’s more of a serif, you should estimate even larger because it takes people a moment or two more to process these obscure typesets! Along with your lettering, you’re going to need some fill space that allows words to be read, creating the need for dead space. As a rule of thumb, about 40 percent of your sign should be dead space, where there’s nothing to confuse onlookers or draw attention away from the message you want them to see. Sign height Have you ever driven down the expressway and glimpsed a single sign rising above the others on the horizon? Chances are, this business owner thought that the higher they placed their sign, the more people would see it. Their idea might have made sense at first, but the logic doesn’t pan out when you consider people’s vision. Too low of a sign placement means that your sign is going to be passed too quickly for the message to be read, however too high of a sign will see your potential onlookers craning their necks to see, which isn’t safe nor is it the prerogative of drivers. Your best bet for sign height is to stick between 12ft and 75ft, depending on the nearby road and the number of lanes it features. For slower speed areas and fewer lanes, a drastic height is not needed, however for areas flanked by urban highways, where speeds are high and lanes are plentiful, a higher sign is required to be seen further off in the distance. Illumination This last factor is one that sign owners generally favor or shy away from exclusively: illumination. Should you invest in an LED sign for your business? The answer is almost invariably “yes.” Why? Because LED signage is applicable in virtually any weather condition, at any time of day and can be applied succinctly to virtually any type of business—it’s literally the best asset that a sign can employ if you’re seeking the attention of passersby. LED signs attract the eye with their bright colors and flashing rhythms, especially when juxtaposed next to those lacking lighting. Here’s the key, however: make sure your sign isn’t annoying, complicated or distracting. Too many lights, lights that are too intense or lighting that doesn’t mesh with your branded message may be enough to force onlookers to turn their heads away, which is exactly the opposite of your goal! Follow these general signage rules and you’ll be well on your way to touting signage that’s effective, appealing and exciting! Alphagraphics is a custom printing company and custom sign company. Give us a call today to discuss your next project. 508-793-0956 or click here to contact us.

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